Meet the Staff

Sara Dennehy
Owner, Certified Bicycle Tech
Sara was born and raised in Butte, Montana. Sara attended Barnett Bicycle Institute in Colorado Springs before her and her husband Brandt opened the shop in Spring 2018. Their passion for riding was sparked 20+ years ago. Sara’s love of wrenching grew over the years until it evolved into what it is today. “Working on bikes keeps me grounded and riding bikes let me eat whatever I want!”

Ryzer, Shop Dog
Head of Public Relations
Ryzer has the important job of greeting all guests that wander into the shop. He is our lovable fur ball that can’t help but make you smile. When he’s not busy taking naps, he does quality control on lunch breaks and makes sure not a spec of food hits the ground. Ryzer loves to offer up his squeaky toys as offerings to his fellow employees while the shop is busy hustling and bustling around. We’d be lost without his insurmountable amount of hair that needs to be vacuumed up daily! His affinity to the zoomies and his smiles brighten our shop on a daily basis.
Apprenticeship Program
We do offer apprenticeships to kids who are eager to learn more about their bikes and how they work. Anyone interested just needs to contact the shop and chat with Sara. Derailed Bikes donates to local fundraisers and benefits that are thrown in the community.